Psalm 92 New Living Translation
A psalm. A song to be sung on the Sabbath Day.
1 It is good to give thanks to the Lord,
to sing praises to the Most High.
2 It is good to proclaim your unfailing love in the morning,
your faithfulness in the evening,
3 accompanied by a ten-stringed instrument, a harp,
and the melody of a lyre.
4 You thrill me, Lord, with all you have done for me!
I sing for joy because of what you have done.
5 O Lord, what great works you do!
And how deep are your thoughts.
6 Only a simpleton would not know,
and only a fool would not understand this:
7 Though the wicked sprout like weeds
and evildoers flourish,
they will be destroyed forever.
8 But you, O Lord, will be exalted forever.
9 Your enemies, Lord, will surely perish;
all evildoers will be scattered.
10 But you have made me as strong as a wild ox.
You have anointed me with the finest oil.
11 My eyes have seen the downfall of my enemies;
my ears have heard the defeat of my wicked opponents.
12 But the godly will flourish like palm trees
and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon.
13 For they are transplanted to the Lord’s own house.
They flourish in the courts of our God.
14 Even in old age they will still produce fruit;
they will remain vital and green.
15 They will declare, “The Lord is just!
He is my rock!
There is no evil in him!”
“A Reason to Be Joyful”
Weekly Prayer Request
Edwin Berry, Rick & Mary Harmon, Danny Krejchik, The Lamping Family, Doug Ramsey, The Sutton Family, The Family of Roberta Vernon and Zehner Vernon.
* If you would like to add someone to the weekly prayer list please reply or send an email to
Bread & Word: (Food Pantry and Clothing Center) will be open this Thursday, December 19, 2024 @ 5:00 p.m.
Christmas Cards: Can be exchanged by using the in-house mailboxes located next to the Hospitality Desk. Please don’t forget to check your designated mailboxes.
Christmas Eve: Will be on Tuesday, December 24, 2024, at 6:30 p.m., followed by dinner and festive activities. Please come and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ with us.
RMMO (Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering): Is an offering given to honor and thank those who have dedicated their lives and service to Christ, the church, and us. Please consider giving to this important cause. If you have any questions, please see John Ramsey.
New Signs for 2025: Next year, we will be placing a few new signs outside our church property: at the entry of both parking lots and on the south side of the building facing Washington Street. These signs will help tell people who we are.
To make this happen, we are forming a sign committee and seeking your input. If you are interested in being involved or have any suggestions, please see Pastor Eddie. Your participation and ideas are greatly appreciated! Thank you for your support and involvement in this exciting project!
Clothing Center
The Clothing Center is seeking donations for any of the items listed below. Gently used items are acceptable. Bolded items are sorely needed.
Laundry Detergent
Bath Towels
Children’s Winter Boots
Children’s Winter Coats (sizes: 3-18)
Hooded Sweatshirts (size: Small, Medium, Large)
Men’s Boxer Shorts (size: Large and 2X)
Men’s Jeans (waist size: 32-38)
Men’s Jeans (waist size 30-32)
Men’s Long Sleeved Tee Shirts (sizes: small and medium)
Men’s Sneakers (size: 9-12)
Men’s Winter Boots
Women’s Tennis Shoes (sizes: 8-9 ½)
Women’s Winter Boots
Boost & Ensure Empty Bottles
Sweat Pants
Winter Coats
2025 Monthly Fellowship Calendar
The following is a list of our monthly fellowship events:
- Soup-sation: On Sunday, January 19, 2025.
- Love Your Church Luncheon (Fundraiser): On Sunday, February 16, 2025.